Find Most Recent File – ONE


Activation: called internally by various Macro Express modules.

This macro is never executed by itself, but only by being called during the execution of other macros. Especially macros performing background operations on open files (such as running “LJ.exe,” “Beam.exe,” or EditScor operations) rely on this macro in order to identify the currently open file. In essence, this macro performs an “SM” command within Score, which therefore updates the time stamp of the currently open file and thereby enables identifying the currently open file by searching for the file with the most recent time stamp within the working directory. I have not been able to think of any other mechanism by which a currently open file can be identified easily by Macro Express, other than by “flagging” it with a new time stamp.

Within Macro Express, position this macro into GLOBAL settings:

Posted by Jürgen Selk

revised:  24 March 2011.

The macro has remained exactly the same (well, except for the insertion of the <ESC> key as the first text type element on line 16: to ensure that the “sm” command is typed on a new line), but its nomenclature has changed from “GLOBAL Find most recent file” to  “GLOBAL Find most recent file – ONE.” Further developments made it necessary to develop a similar module, called by some modules for other reasons, which therefore has been called “GLOBAL Find most recent file – TWO” (please ensure that you have downloaded this new macro from the Required Macros page).

initial posting:  14 March 2011.



Download file:

Macro Express module:

  • GLOBAL Find most recent file – ONE

To avoid double-postings of macros on this site, this macro and the support file are included on the REQUIRED MACROS page.


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